World’s FASTEST Original Content Creation Tool
For Your Website & Social Media

Take A Look At
Some Of The Industry-Leading Features
Packed Inside ContentGenie…

Siri Style Content Writing

Unlike other Content Creation apps that use scale & outdated content spinners, we’ve trained this Artificial Assistant to Generate 100 original Web and Social Media Content, using just a keyword.

It was built using the same AI Technology implemented by Siri – Apple’s AI Assistant.

Video Discovery & Repurposing

 Discover the most trending YouTube Videos using keywords or entering the Video URL…

… transcribe any of the Video, and Repurpose the Transcribe for your a Social Media or a Blog post.

Article Discovery & Repurposing

Discover the most trending articles using keywords or entering the Article URL…

… and repurpose the Content for your  Social Media or a Blog post.

Speech to Text AI

This Engine uses Artificial Intelligence to Auto Transcribe LIVE Speech to Content, for your Social Media and Blog Posts.

Content Publishing Features

Social Media Publisher

Publish content to all your social media profiles, including Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Effortlessly Create 100% Original, Contents For Any Website Or Social Platform


Create Content

Enter your Keyword (or phrase) & Generate 100% original Content in less than 20 seconds.


Select all the social media or blog account(s) you want to publish to.



Publish your Content to Social Media & Websites Instantly, Schedule For later, or save as Draft.

About Us

DigiGenious® was established in 2022 to spread happiness. Our quality digital products have created thousands of fun stories worldwide.

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